Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Middle

My husband was surprised to find out that I wasn't aware that all female birds will lay eggs, no matter if they are fertilized or not.  Not just chickens do this. All birds do this.

I don't know why I didn't know.  It was one of those assumptions that you form as a youngster and it continues on throughout life unchallenged.  It never gets a quality-control check later on when you can reason better, although it so needs one. 

“I grew up in suburbia!” I told him, “I am neither country-strong nor city-smart.  I know how to use a crosswalk safely.  I know how to avoid strangers in vans.  I know how to get to the closest chain store for whatever I need.  I've come to trust in the security of that.  I'm suburban-aware.”

So, yes, I might not always grasp the natural rhythms of birds or the intricate connections urban bus systems make.  But I can point you to the nearest Starbucks or Golden Arches.  And for me this is the Golden Mean, the happy-medium.

I'd argue we are meant for moderation.  Our bodies perish if they become too cold or too hot.  We seek a happy-medium, a range in the middle. Balance.

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