Thursday, August 21, 2014


If you ever should need a good giggle, a great place to start is by listening to Porky Pig sing “Blue Christmas.”

One winter day in my teen years, I think I was 15, my father and I were on our way to our local grocery store, Raley's.  He was on vacation and I was on Christmas Break.  This song came on the radio and within the first verse we both had grins on our faces.  By the second, we were laughing and as you can guess, by the third we were giggling pretty hard. 

It was a rare moment for us.  As I said, I was in my teens and moody and rebellious.  I was thinking, “Why are you ruining my life?!” at the same time he may have been thinking the same thing.  This was a common current in our father-daughter relationship.

But the hilarious stutterings of Porky Pig, haltingly sing, “Blue Christmas,” broke the awkward silence for a moment and let our mutual joy mingle. Having reset the tone, we had a nice afternoon.

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