Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Finding Creative Motivation

Creatively Distracted, Finding Motivation
I have noticed that I have quite the growing list of books to read about writing. I want to make sure I write correctly.  I want to not bore my readers.  These books promise instruction and inspiration.  There are so many out there!  How can you not want to read them?  Well, there isn't so much a problem in wanting to read or reading books about whatever creativity genre you are interested in.  The problem comes in when you spend the bulk of your time reading these books and not practicing creatively.

Books in general can be another distracter. Just a multitude of books, they don't have to be about your creative subject.  Just the very stack is beckoning.  I once had to ask myself: If I had less to read, would I have more to write?  I don't know if I will ever find out the answer either because I am not willing to part from my stacks of books whether out of love or out of need.  For the maximum distraction punch here's a way to offer yourself some insurance: Make sure the books are from the library.  Then you *have* to read them before you can settle down to write. Books can be very tricky because when you get inspired from a book it can sometimes mimic the satisfaction that you would feel had you just completed three pages of longhand writing or sculpting a new figure. But it isn't always books or reading......

Take for instance the opened bag of Conversation Hearts sitting slackly on my desk.  So slack because of my indulgence, indulgence being another form of distraction..  Maybe it is just another form of reading when I quickly scan each one before I throw it in my mouth.  I recently found one that said, "U Can Do It!" I haven't yet had a Conversation Heart lead to writing, no matter how encouraging or inspirational they are either.
Most often indulgence comes in the form of eating.  Hence the Conversation Hearts.  Although it isn't always these heart-shaped candies.  We have all heard stories about the drug and alcohol addicted artists and writers. It is said that some writers used so they could write, but I'd venture it was probably more of a distraction most of the time.

Honestly, the list goes on and on.  As long as there are other things to do than writing, drawing, or painting, you will have ample opportunity to distract yourself, even if it is just by cleaning your home.  I don't know what it actually takes to sit down and work at our craft if not for one thing....ritual. Habit, discipline.  To make yourself do it today and everyday.  I wish I could say that I had found some magic answer.  That all we have to actually do is read one more book about painting or clean the house so we can "finally focus."

The answer lies in just doing.  Just doing the work.  Not amplifying it up in your brain to be some formidable task.  Instead, make it fun.  Some fun writing ideas are using glitter crayons and writing longhand.  Or tell yourself you only write in the bathtub...and then keep it that way.  Even if you just sit with a pillowed cocoon, no water inside. (I saw this once in a magazine for kid's and it looked divine.  Just throw a bunch of pillows in so you don't have to lie on anything too firm.  Prop yourself up and write.)

Don't blow the writing process (or dancing session or other creative pursuit) out of proportion.  The way to to staying creatively on task is to keep your creative pursuits bite-sized and fun.  If you are actively engaged and loving the experience nothing else can tempt you.  Except maybe one more Conversation Heart......What?!  It's a reward for doing the work.  Remember rewards are good motivators too!

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