Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Consumerism and Emptiness

The day after Thanksgiving, this is Black Friday.  Money was tight so I made myself feel better about the lack of shopping by saying I wouldn’t shop anyway.  But I don’t know if that is true.  Funny the things we tell ourselves to feel better (meanwhile we are also our worst critics….oh, the many facets of personality)!

I’d like to think I’d be noble about Black Friday even if money was flowing in faster than it was flowing out. I already shop local thereby supporting local businesses.  I would love to feel like I wouldn’t cave to the newest device that everyone must have and at a slashed price.  I just don’t know though.  We absorb so much through culture.  We are sponges and advertisers know what we soak up the best: Ads that tell us that we’re not enough (successful, rich, pretty, skinny, sexy enough) and that their product will give you just the thing you need.  Look!  Look how happy this actress/model is that is in our ad?  They also use music as we know that to be a good influencer of behavior (our beliefs on this may not completely converge but there are studies out there to prove it….of course, there are just as contradictory of research also out there, so you’ll have to go with your gut instinct on this fact and mine tells me that music does influence at least mood, mood affects behavior and thus behavior comes out as actions.  Music does eventually equal desired action.  But how can we help being breastfed this stuff?  Media is everywhere and advertisers support them. 

It goes back to being mindful.  We must be aware of what is being told to us.  Once you pay attention, you can tell what is happening, what guises they are using to make you, quite literally, buy in.

We often want things only because we see others that have them.  It is a case of groupthink.  Mainstream brain.  And plugging in can become an addiction.

Picture yourself in a mall, surrounded by other shoppers.  Maybe you went in to look for a certain book or style of shoes, but not finding it you are headed out.  But you see people with bags and they all got something.  This is where the Inner Child pops up and wants something too.  This doesn’t always happen but it happens enough.  You see other shoppers with an item and you end up feeling a twinge of desire. 

Now, maybe you won’t spend it at the mall.  Maybe you’ll make sure at your next stop you’ll get something.  But sooner or later, since the seed has been planted, you’ll give in and get something.
What’s weird is when you see something and instantly want it.  Suddenly it is of utmost importance.  Yet, five minutes ago you didn’t know it existed. 

The question you need to ask yourself about this process is what you think that item will give you that you don’t already have?  Is it momentary comfort, joy or novelty?  You can always find a way to meet your needs without it hitting your wallet.

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