Thursday, August 21, 2014

Life Path

For each starting point to each destination, there is the easiest path to take.  The one that makes the most sense.  Maybe it takes less energy overall-less gas.  Maybe it is faster-getting you where you want to be by the time you want to be there.  But, all in all, we contain these maps in our head, both of our makings based on experiences we've had and their results and also maps we've absorbed through our collective culture. 

We are taught in our culture that the best foundation to get in life is to get a good education, go on to a reputable college and obtain a degree in something profitable.  Once you have job security, it is okay to get married and eventually have children.  That is what my generation is taught.  Generation X: We've got no excuse for not having our shit together!

Afterall, we've been shown the best path.  This is the American Dream, right?  This is path to happiness, right?! 

But what happens when you stray from the pack?  You're out.  When you find out you're pregnant at 17, you're out.  When you realize college isn't going to work out, you're out. 

They give us one path to follow and thus that stray are going into uncharted territory.  Sure there have been others.  Some have ended up forever lost.  And that's a scary possiblity.  Others have succeeded and left bread crumbs.  You can go get the information you need and research the resources available (the bread crumbs) or you can forge out on your own. 

There will be, make no mistake, nights of doubt, days of anxiety.  There also will be days of authentic joy. 

When I was somewhere around the age of 10, I asked my parents:

“So, you go to school and you get good grades so you can get into a good college.  And then you get good grades at college so you can get a good job.  Then you can buy a good house and have a car and support your family.  Then what?”    My Dad laughed and said, “That is the question.”

I think it is the question.  Because if we don't figure what we are striving for, what our soul needs for expression or what we need to lead a happy life, we have lost before the game has even started.  Answer this question.  The answer tells you which path to take and gives you the energy to continue on, whether it is a traditional path or more exotic one.

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