Thursday, August 21, 2014


Morning time and he steps up on the scale in his boxer shorts and tanktop.  He reads the weight outloud and then says, “Okay, we good!” and hops off. I shake my head.  I want to be like that.

But I get all anxious about myself.  Especially in social situations.  Social anxiety counts on you caring on what others think of you, which naturally presumes that you would like them to think well of you, which would then naturally lead to acceptance.  You want them to accept you. could quit trying to fit into whatever mold you think you have to in order to be accepted.  Show up in your own mold.  I always love the odd-ball, the one with the charismatic personality, the animated storyteller, or the naturally cheerful one.  Be you.  But, the snag is you have to know you first.  So what do you like?  Be like that.  It doesn't have to be all-natural but it must be of your own making and creativity.  Or else it won't be as satisfying.

You could, instead of trying to appear “normal” or “regular” be that really cool person is friendly and authentic.  You could be the creative artist.  When you come into somebody's field of vision, you can choose any archetype that you identify with to show up as.

Or, you could just be really comfortable with yourself.  The person who is humble, yet strong, knowing what others might deem imperfect about them, but yet loving themselves for who they are. 
And if you're comfy and really okay with yourself it makes it easier for others to be that way with you too.

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